Modern and Contemporary Prints

Connoisseurs of prints, newcomers and young collectors who are all interested in the latest trends, can select from an extensive collection of lithography, etchings, woodcuts and serigraphy from international artists such as Afro, Marc Chagall, Eduardo Chillida, Sam Francis, Keith Haring, Damien Hirst, Henri Laurens, Roy Lichtenstein, Marino Marini, Joan Miró, Henry Moore, Carl Moser, Robert Rauschenberg, Gerhard Richter, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Pablo Picasso, Andy Warhol or Tom Wesselmann as well as work from Austrian artists including Werner Berg, Günter Brus, Bruno Gironcoli, Xenia Hausner, Friedensreich Hundertwasser, Kiki Kogelnik, Maria Lassnig, Hermann Nitsch, Markus Prachensky, Arnulf Rainer or Max Weiler...

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Current auctions

Auction Date

Modern and Contemporary Prints

Online auction
21.06.2024 - 14:00 21.06.24 - 14:00
15.06. - 21.06.2024

Selected auction results

Edvard Munch

€ 65.000

Hermann Nitsch

€ 48.640

Egon Schiele

€ 39.000

Gert und Uwe Tobias

€ 19.500


Raphael Achterberg, MA
+43-1-515 60-557
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Mag. Elisabeth Wallner
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